There is no words to describe about this stupid series. I am thinking it must be only the first season. There will be a continuation. Otherwise it's really unprofessional ending in all sides of it. Watching two different serials at the same time they both ended up a waste of time. Both wasted our precious times waiting to see how will they end. Both were very disappointing. I have only kept watching to see the endings. From the experiences we gathered from Armenian serials each one with exception of only a very few arexeorth watching. Decided won't even start any new ones anymore. It seems there is absolutely no imagination or good talent in Armenia. Every serials is along the same story line and not worth watching.
Ays papiky ardarutyan u patvi qarozner e kardum, bayc ir tan mej yerkknutyun e tuyl tvel, vory dem e mer qristonya azgin. Na tuyl e talis ir kapy ktrac tornerin varkabekel mer haykakan barqern u varqery. Chnayac papiky inch mexq uni scenaristn e xaytarakum mer hayi barqery, mi xosqov agarken scenaristn e, amot uneceq
Bayts inch exav case merav? Chimatsav et Tinayi here ov er mexxavor inch parzvav... Norits Tinayi hete chhasktsav? Te lav chhen batsatrel u batsahaytel CasinSasin chgdan merats? Tesnes inch exxav Tinan